The Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS) of Chinese Academy of Sciences invites applications for tenured and tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks and in all areas of mathematical sciences, including but not limited to pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematical physics, statistics, systems science and control theory, information theory, operations research and econometrics, theoretical computer science and cryptography, mathematical theory of artificial intelligence,etc. AMSS is expected to recruit up to 20 research faculties in year 2022.
We seek candidates with strong research records. Candidates should have a PhD degree in mathematics or closely related area by the expected starting date.
AMSS offers internationally competitive salary, annual research funds, and benefits including settle-down allowance and low-priced tentative apartments near office for 3 years. Successful applicants are expected to conduct full-time research in AMSS. Teaching is appreciated, but not an obligation. Candidates with exceptionally strong qualifications will be recommended to apply for National Talents Programs or Talents Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences, which provide extra and strong supports for the candidates.
Here are the positions available and the requirements:
Tenured Associate/Full Professors
Candidates should have exceptionally strong qualifications in research.
Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professors
Candidates are expected to have at least 2 years of experience at top universities or research institutes. The position is for 6 years with 3 chances to apply for a tenured position.
Postdoctoral Fellows
We also recruit up to 20 international postdoctoral fellows. The candidates should receive their PhD degrees within 4 years. The normal duration of this position is 2 years. The wages are 300k-400k CNY per year with benefits included.
Application Materials Required:
? Cover letter
? Curriculum Vitae
? Research statement
? Three reference letters
Candidates are encouraged to submit their applications through Mathjobs before December 1, 2021, although the positions will be kept open all year long. If you have further inquiries, please contact the Human Resource Office of AMSS at
About AMSS
As the top research center of mathematics and systems science in China, AMSS has been dedicated to the highest level of research and application in mathematics and systems science. AMSS is an academic institute of elites, profound traditions, culture of excellence, strong academic atmosphere, and active innovation with a wide range of research fields. AMSS has made a lot of remarkable achievements ranged from pure mathematics to applied mathematics and interdisciplinary application of mathematics, and has cultivated leading scientists and talents. Currently, AMSS have more than 240 faculty members including 15 CAS Academicians, 1 CAE Academician and 47 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Also, AMSS has over 100 postdocs and 450 PhD students. More information about AMSS is available at (in English) and (in Chinese).