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Prof. SUN Xiaotao and Prof. LU Jinhu Honored with the 2nd prizes of the National Natural Science Prize
Update time: 2013-01-24

AMSS scientists Prof. SUN Xiaotao and Prof. LU Jinhu were awarded with the 2nd prize of the National Natural Science Prizes, respectively.

The research of Prof. SUN Xiaotao is mainly about degeneration of moduli spaces, stability of vector bundles and its applications. Among others, he has obtained the following results: 1)Proof of the factorization theorem of generalized theta functions for arbitray rank; determine completely the singularities and normalization of degeneration of moduli spaces of vector bundles; proof of the vanishing theorem. The proof of factorization theorem, together with Gieseker’s proof of Newstead-Ramanan conjecture on 1984, are considered to be “two examples where degeneration technique has been employed successfully”. The article was considered to be “remarkable paper” in Math. Review, 2)Proof of Nagaraj-Seshadri conjecture, which concerns the degeneration of moduli spaces of SL(r)-bundles,3)Discovery of a deep relationship between stable bundles and Frobenus. The main result was published in Invent. Math. in 2008. The results are called “a important formula”, “celebrated inequality”, “well-known inequality” by some mathematician in their articles,4)He proved that any rational curve through generic point of the moduli space has degree at least  , which has degree  iff it is a Hecke curve,5)Proof (with Tan and Zuo) of the “modularity”of Calabi-Yau 3-fold with K3 fiberation where“Arakelov-Yau inequality”becomes equality, which was the first article in this direction. Noriko Yui surveyed “9 methods to establish modularity conjecture”, where method 3.1 is Serre-Faltings criteria and Wiles’s approach is method 3.2. The method of Sun-Tan-Zuo was one of the 9 methods.

Professor Jinhu Lu (IEEE Fellow), Chair Professor Guanrong Chen (IEEE Fellow) with City University of Hong Kong, and Professor Simin Yu with Guangdong University of Technology of China have investigated the theoretical design, circuit implementation and some applications of several new kinds of nonlinear circuits and systems over the last decade. The main contributions are summarized as follows: 1) Proved the existence of chaotic attractors of a basic class of three-dimensional hysteresis multi-scroll systems (n>2) in theory. They proposed theoretical analysis approach is universal and can be easily extended to prove the chaotic behaviors in high-dimensional chaotic systems. As a result, they have resolved a fundamental problem in nonlinear multi-scroll circuits and systems, which had plagued the theoretical circles for more than 20 years. This work was recognized as a “milestone” in a recent book by J. Vandewalle, Member of European Academy of Sciences and of Belgium Academy of Sciences, and also was included in “Advances in Circuits and Systems” released by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in 2005. 2) To break a bottleneck in the traditional analog circuit design, they have proposed a new universal module-based circuit design approach. It is the first time in the literature to report an experimental verification of a 1-D 14-scroll, a 2-D 14*10-grid scroll and a 3-D 10*10*10 grid (totally 1000) scroll chaotic attractors over the past two decades. Also, it creates a new experimental record in analog circuits for the large number of scrolls. It is well known that the hardware implementation of 1-D n-scroll with n≥10, 2-D n*m grid scroll with n, m≥10, and 3-D n*m*l grid scroll with n, m, l≥10 chaotic attractors is along-standing open problem in multi-scroll circuit realization. In fact, they have completelysolved this outstanding problem. 3) Proposed the new saturated functions series approach for generating various 1-D n-scroll, 2-D n*m grid scroll, and 3-D n*m*l grid scroll chaotic attractors, with rigorous mathematical proofs and physical realization for the chaotic behaviors. This work was included in “Advances in Circuits and Systems” released by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in 2005. 4) Proposed a series of fundamental design methods for creating various complex nonlinear multi-scroll attractors, including the general Jerk circuit, three-dimensional switching manifold, multi-folded torus, four-dimensional grid multi-torus, and so on. The core technology was granted 6 invention patents. And the work on general Jerk circuit was recognized as “established a theoretical foundation” for the engineering applications by IEEE Fellow L.O. Chua, the first recipient of the IEEE Gustav Robert Kirchhoff Award. 5) By introducing additional break points into piecewise linear functions, they proposed a new systematic circuit design method and physically realized the unidirectional 10-scroll chaotic attractor via analog circuits, first time in the literature. This work was recognized as a “milestone” in a recent book by J. Vandewalle.

Prof. SUN Xiaotao has worked on Algebraic Geometry. He received National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and was selected into “Hundred Talents Program” of Chinese academy of sciences

Prof. LU Jinhu has worked on nonlinear electronic circuit and system, dynamic and control, complex adaptive systems. He is now serving as the Chair of the Technical Committee of Neural Systems and Application and Secretary of the Technical Committee of Nonlinear Circuits and Systems in the IEEE CASS. He served and is serving as Editors in different ranks for 11 Top SCI journals. Prof. LU received the prestigious National Natural Science Award from the Chinese government in 2008, the First Prize of Natural Science Award from the Beijing City of China, the First Prize of Natural Science Award from the Ministry of Education of China in 2007, the 11th Science and Technology Award for Youth of China, the Presidential Outstanding Research Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002, and the first runner up in Engineering & Technology for Scopus Young Researchers Award in 2012.

The National Natural Science Prize is China's most prestigious award in natural science. The award is to recognize achievements in various fields of natural science that bring significant advancement in scientific knowledge.

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