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Prof. Min Xie Had a Visit at AMSS
Update time: 2017-04-14

Prof. Min Xie, had a visit to AMSS and gave a lecture titled On modelling and model selection for lifetime data with extended Weibull Distributionat AMSS on 14, April, 2017. 

Exponential distribution is widely used in the modelling and analysis of time-between-events, particularly in reliability and survival analysis. It is well-known that this distribution implies no-ageing which is not realistic. Weibull distribution has been used for monotonic aging. It is especially suitable for industrial applications because of its graphical interpretation and probability plotting procedure for both parameter estimation and model validation. However, the basic Weibull distribution with two parameters is still not flexible enough, for example in the modelling of well-known bathtub-shaped hazard rate function. Several extended Weibull distributions have been developed and studied. In this talk, they introduced some of our research studies in this area. Some useful models were presented and their properties and uses were discussed. A few related research directions were also highlighted. 

Currently, Prof Xie is a Chair professor at City University of Hong Kong and serves as Associate Dean at College of Science and Engineering. He has published over 300 journal papers and 8 books, including Weibull Modelsby John Wiley, Stochastic Aging and Dependence for Reliabilityby Springer, Advanced QFD Applicationsby ASQ Quality Press. He was elected fellow of IEEE in 2005 and elected ISI member in 2010. 

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