Abstract: |
Tencent meetingID:553 526 408
Website: https://meeting.tencent.com/s/ZRrwmXDCKSAW
Gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles plays a fundamental and important role in plasma physics, which requires accuracy and conservation in a long-time simulation. Variational symplectic algorithms and canonicalized symplectic algorithms have been developed for gyrocenter dynamics. However, variational symplectic methods are always unstable, and canonicalized symplectic methods need coordinates transformation case by case, which is usually difficult to find. In the following, we start from the degenerate Lagrangian of the gyrocenter dynamics of charged particles, and give a Hamiltonian system with constraints. The system can be written as in a port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic equation (pHDAE). The flow on the manifold generated by the system is symplectic. So for the special form of pHDAE, we can apply the symplectic PRK methods. The implementation of the methods is described, and some numerical tests are reported.